A Blank Check

Business was booming for Daimler-Benz in the 1960s. They had just completed the takeover of Auto Union in 1959, and sales domestically and abroad were exploding. So they shoveled this profit into research and development, which showed remarkably in the W111-chassis Mercedes-Benz, specifically the 1967 280 SE.

Daimler-Benz employed a designer who had taken out a patent in crumple zones in 1951. Innovative safety features began appearing in all Mercedes products; padded dashboards, safety glass, collapsible steering columns, and head rests became standard throughout the 1950s. Disc brakes became standard on all models from 1963 on. Soon, fuel-injection technology was standard throughout its model range (the “E” in 280 SE denotes “Einspritzung,” or fuel injection).

The 280 SE was the mid-60s showcase of all this technology. Styled by Paul Braqc (who later designed the 230 SL), the 280 SE and the whole W111 lineup featured conservative Mercedes looks and an elegantly simple interior. It replaced the 300 SE and 250 SE with its silky 160-horsepower 2.8-liter straight-six, and would become the standard of 1960s mid-level luxury. 

With ample cash reserves and a new model in the works, how would you have designed the W111? With a screaming V12? Maybe air suspension and a lavish cabin? How about a radical, show-stopping design? In 1 Kings, Solomon is given a similarly blank check by God himself, and what he asks for is stunning: 

“The Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in a dream, and God said, ‘Ask for whatever you want me to give you.’ Solomon answered… ‘Now, O Lord my God, you have made your servant king in place of my father David. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties. Your servant is here among the people you have chosen, a great people, too numerous to count or number. So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?” (1 Kings 3:5, 7-9)

Some say Solomon already had some innate wisdom to ask for something so wise. His response suggests he has just enough wisdom to know how unwise he really was. He probably struggled with God’s open-ended question and realized tough decisions like this were all in a day’s work for a king, so he better get wise quickly. 

It’s fun to think of how to cash in a blank check from God. More wisdom? Sure, or more patience, less anger, more feelings of empathy for people whose struggles don’t seem to reach you, or maybe a generous heart so you aren’t so consumed by material gain. These are all great responses. Now, if only God would offer to you what he offered to Solomon.

Well, maybe he does. Throughout the whole of the Bible, God’s people are encouraged to pray, ask, and request. Yes, there are limits, like asking for a mint 1967 Mercedes-Benz 280 SE to appear in your garage, but God encourages us to ask for just about everything else. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6) If you’re anxious about your lack of wisdom (or patience, love, or anything else), ask God for more of it and have peace that God will grant it in his timing, in the way he deems best. It may require action. If you’re asking for more Biblical wisdom, well, he just may be asking you to spend more time in the Bible.

If you’re like Solomon and you’re not sure what to ask for, maybe wisdom is a good place to start. Think back to Solomon. He didn’t grow in knowledge of mere Bible trivia, or memorizing hymns to be the best church member. His Godly wisdom had earthly applications. He became a better leader when he committed to being a better God-follower first. The same is true for you.

In the 1960s, Daimler-Benz put its excess cash into seemingly boring things like safety and technology. But fuel injection made their engines smoother and more powerful. The disc brakes offered more braking performance. And the padded dashboards and safety-focused construction lent a noticeable solidity and luxuriousness. In prioritizing the important things, the 280 SE got a hefty dose of the fun stuff too. 


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