Promised Deliverance
A few lonely, weeping romantics say BMW created the 1-series as an answer to their cries for help. Perhaps they were thinking of something other than a vehicle.
Every Little Thing
Discipleship happens on the ground seven days a week. So does ministry (and most driving).
Ergonomics Lesson
God asks you to rearrange your priorities to make room for getting to know him, learning how you have been uniquely crafted to serve God and help someone out, and simply praising him.
An Imperfect Vehicle of Truth
You aren’t perfect, which makes you the perfect vehicle for God’s movement. So move, and don’t be surprised if people start moving with you.
Priority Shift
At some point, you may have assumed that you possess the autonomy and control to pick what gets top priority in your life.
The Deity is in the Details
The specific attributes of God that you find fascinating will impact how you think about God.
Impressing No One
As long as you’re this concerned with public opinion, something may be missing from your private relationship with God.
Christmas Presence
This is where God meets us this Christmas. He wants us to experience His presence and show how His grace and love surpass our expectations.