The Temperate Truck
A heart oriented toward its maker will inform a person’s direction, even with an infinite number of horizons.
Empty Spirited
When you pray for God to intervene and remove unwanted misery from your life, ask also to be filled completely.
The best purpose-built cars don’t need to give up their greatest attributes during their transformation. If anything, their worst parts are upgraded or cut out entirely.
Identity in Christ
You don’t have to be a perfect person to have a perfect identity. Your identity is found within the perfection of Jesus, and the perfection and identity of Jesus are within you.
Secrets of the Heart
When you feel pressure to disguise, hide, or modify what’s in your heart, you may be letting fear shape the identity God gave you.
Falling Into the Facts
The entire redemptive arc in the Bible is incomplete without the exact personhood and role of Jesus.