Just For You
Although his reign spans the universe and his grace is free to all people, the nature of his grace is personalized to you.
Empty Spirited
When you pray for God to intervene and remove unwanted misery from your life, ask also to be filled completely.
Want and Thirst
It is God’s joy to replenish and nourish you, and welcome you as you run on fumes into his arms. So come, “all you who are thirsty.”
It Shall Be Called…
Throughout the Bible, names for Jesus reflect a person’s most urgent needs.
The Boss Who Knows Pain
With this pain in his heart, Jesus doesn’t retreat into isolation, rejection, and bitterness. He is moved to love.
Punctuation is Key
There, from the mouth of the suffering savior, are the sweet words of mercy for any misfit, oddball, screw-up, phony, has-been, poseur, or faker.
Judging Without Your Eyes
Passages like these reveal the radical nature of God’s judgment, and how far it is from the collective Western understanding of it.
Conceptualizing the Truth
Big expectations clear big, Volvo-sized spaces in the heart for things that cannot possibly fill them.
Falling Into the Facts
The entire redemptive arc in the Bible is incomplete without the exact personhood and role of Jesus.
Nearly Limitless
The Ford Bronco can’t please ’em all while still being the truck it was designed to be.