In Human Form

In the early days of Nissan R35 GT-R development, some mad scientists at Nissan gathered up spare GT-R running gear and stuffed it all in a Nissan Juke. Because of the sheer number of sensors and computers operating the incredibly advanced ATTESA E-TS torque-vectoring differentials, adaptive suspension, and intelligent transmission, the thing performed incredibly well. The computers “knew” they were working with a shorter wheelbase and narrower track, and compensated for it. Then it just performed. 

The Juke GT-R was never slated for production, yet it showed Nissan engineers how smart their GT-R was: its system was smart enough to analyze any situation and adapt to it. Put another way, the components didn’t care what car they were in. They were ready to perform, no matter what. 

A similar thing was happening to believers in the early Church. Incredible power – and potential – rested on these people, and God worked in unusual ways to make that power perform in unexpected places. In Acts 8, an angel of the Lord told Philip to go south toward Gaza. He met an Ethiopian eunuch, an “important official,” sitting in his chariot and reading from Isaiah:

“The Spirit told Philip, ‘Go to that chariot and stay near it.’ Then Philip ran up to the chariot and heard the man reading Isaiah the prophet. ‘Do you understand what you are reading?’ Philip asked. ‘How can I,’ he said, ‘unless someone explains it to me?’ So he invited Philip to come up and sit with him.” (Acts 8:29-31) 

The Ethiopian eunuch was about as far from “normal” as Philip, a small-town Jewish boy, could meet. This person was a Gentile, a foreigner, an official of a Gentile nation, a book-smart intellectual, and a eunuch. His body was consecrated for a purpose, one that didn’t prioritize serving God above all things. But God specifically chose him for this moment, to receive the effects of his incredible power and love. God sent Philip specifically to meet him, and then specifically told Philip to talk to him.

He was already reading from Isaiah when Philip met him, specifically chapter 53, which describes the suffering, affliction, and punishment that Jesus endured for the sake of all people. Interestingly, just a few chapters later, Isaiah announces God’s salvation and purpose for “foreigners,” “eunuchs,” and “exiles.” Perhaps the Ethiopian eunuch had read both of these chapters and wondered if Jesus loved him enough to suffer for him, or if even he could have a role in God’s kingdom. Maybe he thought he was too different or too far gone.

God chose small-town Philip to be the vehicle of his power and love for this person. Today, God chooses Christ-followers to receive the power of God, and the love of God ready to be spent freely on the people they talk to every day. Yes, all people, even and especially ones you think aren’t “normal,” whatever that means. God has put you where he wants his power and love to be demonstrated.

Guiding Philip’s flexibility was the example Jesus set in his ministry: “And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death – even death on a cross!” (Philippians 2:8) The advanced, intelligent power of God was within Jesus as he took the humble form of a man. Jesus performed in a mighty way, so you can follow his example and perform to the best of your ability.

You may feel like just a Juke, talking to lowly Versas or bizarre Murano Cross-Cabriolets. Yet you have the heart of a legend working in you, empowering you and guiding you to be exactly where you are supposed to be. 


Secrets of the Heart


Bertone Canon