In Continuation
These stories weave through the Bible and make it less of a book and more of a tapestry. The threads continue into the lives of every Christ-follower, even today.
The best purpose-built cars don’t need to give up their greatest attributes during their transformation. If anything, their worst parts are upgraded or cut out entirely.
Glory in Practice and Pursuit
An attitude of reflection and contentment can motivate you at any time.
Simply Delightful
God doesn’t rescue you out of obligation, compulsion, or duty. He does it because he delights in you.
It Shall Be Called…
Throughout the Bible, names for Jesus reflect a person’s most urgent needs.
Race Car Reunion
You probably believe that God knows what you do. Perhaps now you see that God knows why: he designed you.
The Boss Who Knows Pain
With this pain in his heart, Jesus doesn’t retreat into isolation, rejection, and bitterness. He is moved to love.
A Car Club Invitation
Joining is a great way to learn about perfection – not from a perfect car or a group of people who seem perfect, but the perfection of Jesus.
In Pursuit
That’s God behind you. He’s not following you to cuff you and take you downtown but to love you.
Identity in Christ
You don’t have to be a perfect person to have a perfect identity. Your identity is found within the perfection of Jesus, and the perfection and identity of Jesus are within you.
Life Is A Highway
Every single day, God is carrying you along his highway straight toward him.
A Really Strong Foundation
The central encouragement in this passage is really a mandate, and it’s universal: continue.
Punctuation is Key
There, from the mouth of the suffering savior, are the sweet words of mercy for any misfit, oddball, screw-up, phony, has-been, poseur, or faker.
Judging Without Your Eyes
Passages like these reveal the radical nature of God’s judgment, and how far it is from the collective Western understanding of it.
God Doesn’t Wait
While you wait, God works. While you’re anxious, God acts. While you’re doubting, God is already delivering.
Just Like Dad
But how does an imperfect, incomplete, feeble human imitate an almighty God?
Where the Rubber Meets the Road
Tires can do a lot for a person. But love can do even more.
Forgotten Yet Beloved
Perhaps Leah’s story can inspire anyone else who feels forgotten or neglected by fickle, easily distracted humans.
Follow the Leader
If you find yourself in the position to build something, you can follow Solomon’s lead and build it after God’s design.
Getting What You Want
The thing you want (and need) is available to you, but it seems “futile,” and maybe you wonder if you gain anything by following God.